-- card: 32520 from stack: in.2r -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2612 -- name: TxMIDI -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- TxMIDI -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- TxMIDI XCMD tranmits the specified hex bytes. Here are a few XCMDs to implement simple MIDI communication via a standard MIDI interface on the modem port. Please let me hear your thoughts. If there is interest in a full featured HyperMIDI interface with MIDI event filtering, time stamping, sequence record and playback and save to file, etc., let me know. Nigel J. Redmon CIS: 72736,753 PAN: NIGELR See also InitMidi*, ResetMidi*, and RxMidi* -- part contents for background part 10 ----- text ----- Syntax: TxMIDI [,][,] Params can be single hex bytes, or a string of hex bytes, with or without comma or space separators. Ex.: TxMIDI "904E40" TxMIDI 90,"4e",40 TxMIDI "90 4e",40 TxMIDI "90,4e,40" etc. (note that bytes containing hex chars a-f (A-F) must be in quotes, optional for 0-9). -- part contents for background part 13 ----- text ----- 29